Sorry if I was unclear. 

You clicked on someone's LINK (Hyperlink) to arrive at the Offer for a Binding Short-term Contract for Working on your Home Computer, and earning $100 to $150 per hour.   

Whether from their email, text, private message, Tweet, Facebook Post, or  however they sent it to you...

Please ( NOW ) Get Back to the Person Who Referred You by Responding to that Message
For Access to Work Descriptions, Details and the Next Available Sub-Contract Start Date. 

     Your Short-Term Sub-Contract Job: 10 to 15 Hours Total @ $100 to $150 per hour

Copyright © MMXI William James Alatis All Rights Reserved

Can't-Lose Contract Assures

You Get Paid Like a

D.C. Lobbyist, Without

Having to Sell Your Soul! 
 Plus ... At Contract End, You'll Have a Choice - Whether to

Cash In The Fruits of Your Part-Time Work

or "Let it Ride" and Finance Your Retirement!

 Make Guaranteed Top Dollar for Building Me

an Online Un-Business Profit Center!

  Then "Sell Out" to Bill, Or Keep the Ongoing Profits for Yourself!


If I can guarantee you'll earn $100 to $150 per hour, might you be available to help me with a mid-range contract I need to fulfill?  It's involves between 10 hours and 15 hours of online work, and the payment is $1500. 

That makes a nice little side job, wouldn't you say? Nice work, if you can get it. And in this case, you can. 

You will have that in writing, and I will sign and fax, or scan and email that sub-contract directly to you.

Now. the scope of my contract is 6 months, so if you are going to need that $1500 to pay your rent or mortgage in the next 30 days, let's part ways now.


Still here?  Then let me give you a bit of background, and if you can squeeze what I need done into your own busy schedule, we may just have a deal.

I own multiple web-sites that are monetized in various ways.  Some of them are ,, , , ,, among others.  

I am also a published expert on, the largest and most highly-trafficked article directory site in the world. 

This entire project, though, is about getting the word out about two companies and my contracts with them. I instruct my sub-contractors how to most efficiently get the offer in front of others who need to supplement their income, using my online software installation, making sure they have at least seen my contract offer. 

The remaining contractors are acquired from around the world with my global advertising and separate members site.

My dream-goal, yet one on which my management projection is based (that's a fancy way to say it's what I've committed to going-for), is to help 100 people make 6-figures very part-time this year.

But first, I'll admit I am not a true philanthropist,. So I expect that I'll get to keep the equivalent of roughly 3 to 4% of their earnings in the bargain, which will bring me an ongoing succession of high 5-figure months, myself.  

So I'm not in this for my health.

Second, I'm actually a realist at my core (however those who know me well might disagree) and know I may easily miss  that specific target.  After all, that will partially depend on people believing in themselves enough, and following though on my assignments,  to accomplish that.


Even though they only need to send out a few emails every day and just fill out a few online forms, unless they will take enough of my prescribed steps in their own self-interest, they won't get there. Many people need the kind of payment "guarantee" that being an employee is supposed to give, before they'll do the work. 

Even if I do fall short, I need to be sure to accomplish my fall-back scenario-- to personally own or control multiple profit centers that can each grow into a 6-figure cash-cow over the next couple of years.

( I also have a whole private, separate strategy for building more of these profit centers which ONLY my close Inner Circle will EVER have knowledge of. )

What are these "Virtual Profit Centers" worth?  Well,to give you an idea, I can point you to a gentleman one of offering a similar one online today with bids starting at $10,000. And that's for a new profit center, or mini-business, that's currently producing only $400 in monthly cash-flow

(I will show you you the actual ad and if you like, put you in touch with the owner of that actual profit center I've used as an example on our next scheduled WEBINAR.    Use that form, or ask to be informed about the next date via my Support Desk , if you're interested)

The business model and strategy is similar to what I was trying to do in Real Estate before the big bust made me go bankrupt. I owned RENTAL PROPERTIES in the physical world, in different parts of the USA. But the idea I was sold on was to have a whole portfolio of professionally-managed rental properties, typically single family houses, yielding a positive monthly cash-flow, month after month.  Ideally, these were lease-optioned for purchase, so that at the end of the agreed-upon term, I had buyers in place to pay me a fair price for the property, and I could take my profit then.

As an example, I can show you the wire copy of the profit I took on just one property a few years back, before before the Bubble burst.

The point is, these Profit Centers are the digital real-estate equivalent of rental properties that bring in positive cash-flow every month.  And times being so uncertain, many conservative investors are looking to buy profitable businesses and rental properties, providing the risk is relatively low and the cash-flow consistent, and well-documented. 

So in addition to part-time contractors working specifically for my own business, I am inviting people I know and trust, or to whom I've been introduced,  to help me on an extremely flexible basis - with a BUYOUT clause that allows me to pay them the difference between what they have banked, and what I have promised.

"I need you to complete 10 to 15 hours of computer work online (on your own time, away from work, please)  spread out over the next 2 to 3 weeks,  however and whenever you can manage to squeeze in at least 15 to 30 minutes at a sitting to focus on my requirements."

I don't care if you have to do it in the middle of the night, or before work, or after the kids are asleep - just whenever you can fit it in. 

The Job Is - Set Up an E-Commerce Profit Center for Me to "Take Off Your Hands" inside of 6 months. 

YOU WILL HAVE A CHOICE - Let Me Pay You Off and take over the rights to the monthly profits, or keep them yourself

You will receive my personally-signed guarantee that makes sure that you have been paid $1500 by the end of 180 days after the work is completed.  Specifically, I will pay you the difference between $1500 and what this one profit center, which you will create on my behalf, has earned and (you will have already banked) by a date exactly 180 days from the day you complete the work for me.  

Example 1 --It's two or three weeks into your evaluation period, and you have completed your assigned tasks (no more difficult than sending a few emails daily, and completing some online forms -- and never more than 15 hours worth), as documented via our support system.

But say for whatever unexplained and unforeseen reason by the 170th day, you assess your progress, and see that somehow you have only been paid $100 to $150 (meaning you would have only earned around $10 per hour by that time ).

Under our proposed contract I would have to personally write you a check for  $1,350 to $1,400 plus fees payable around the 200th day after starting your work for me, assuming you complete all the work on my work order within the specified time range, and keep small benchmarks or milestones we'll agree to along the way.

Beyond completing the actions I will outline and specify for you, the only stipulation is that you must sign a release, transferring the rights to all profits from the center you will build for me, and all future company checks will be sent to me.

Example 2 -- If you choose not  to turn over your profits to me, I will not be obligated to pay you out ofmy pocket.

It wouldn't be fair to let you you have your cake, and eat it too, now would it?  Well, not completely, any way -- you will have the best of both worlds, actually.

No, I don't intend to heartlessly exploit your work and commitment, like the old Tin-Pan Alley music publishers did by having the artists they signed give up their copyrights and all future royalties.

But the contract is structured to give you the only proof that REALLY matters -- How much you have put in your bank account by that date.

If you don't like the pace at which your checks are growing, you can add up all the ones you received in the past 5 months, and I'll pay you the difference and our contract and our obligations to each other will end.   I'll simply add to my virtual real-estate and our obligations to each other will have been satisfied. 

Obviously, since checks will be made out to you until the end of the contract, the way it's structured is to give you a very good idea of its  potential for you by the end of the contract, and you will have seen (and cashed) the checks for yourself. 

Just as obviously, if you have received more than $1,500 (hint, hint) by that time, we'd have to renegotiate and I'd have to make you a new offer. I can't very well give you negative dollars and have you sign over the future profits, now can I? 

Unless of course, you decided you might like to hold on to this little un-business yourself. 

I use the term because there are practically no ongoing duties after the first month, 

However all of the other benefits, including appropriate tax deductions, and the ability to SELL your ongoing profit center, and many other benefits of operating a low-maintenance home-based business especially banking extra (and growing) monthly income, will still be yours. 

Besides not being a philanthropist, as I said, and being a realist at my core (though others may disagree with that), despite the headline, I am also not actually insane (although I supposed I'd be the last to know if I were, right?) . 

Beyond acts of God and end-of-the-world sorts of scenarios, I need to cover my assets.

Since the primary sources of income into the profit centers you will build for me come from two principal companies, something needs to be covered in terms of their staying healthy.

Yes, neither of the two privately-held, debt-free companies has missed paying an affiliate paycheck or payday in over 10 years. But I must confess I still  have just a tiny  pessimistic streak in me ...

So you will see a clause something to the effect of this:

*Should not just one, but both of the two companies with which I am affiliated go out of business during the first 90 days after you become affiliated with me, I won't be liable for completing my end of the contract (to buy you out). 

If both of the companies are out of business 180 days after you have joined both as my sub-affiliate, I reserve the right to reduce the payment to $1,000 instead of $1500.*

Obviously, that situation is very unlikely to happen, given their remarkable track records, and impeccable payment histories.
* * * * *  

If you think that's fair enough on my part, and would like to see the actual contract as well as the particulars on the companies., simply respond to your friend or family member who sent you these links, and tell him you want to be added to the Private Waiting List.

 He or she will also send you a link to a Letter of Intent video site.  Complete the form there, and you will receive full access to 

(1)  A copy of the Proposed Contract between you and myself (no signature, yet).

(2) The entire Actions List  spelling out the work to be done over the next few weeks. 

(3)  A copy of the Proposed Agreement between yourself & the person who invited you

(4)  Full background on both of our Affiliated Companies (including our actual Contracts with them)

(5)  A Prospectus and Business Analysis behind the Profit Center you will set up on my behalf. 

(6)  A  payment schedule overview so you can see how you should expect to be paid up until Contract End. 

(7)  A schedule of required fees and 

(8)  Notice of the next scheduled start-date 

Finally, this website and all the Tell-A-Friend software will remain available to share with your own friends and family, to whom I will be happy to extend my Guarantee and offer of a written, signed  Independent Contract for their own services, as well.

And while you would benefit as a sub-contractor from the work of anyone else you refer, as well,  your income will NOT depend on any of your family or friends showing any interest in this.

You will learn about the massive source of our customers from your friend's information.

                   PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS NO Active "BUY NOW" LINK - because there is nothing to buy here! 

So be sure to

Respond to the Person Who Referred You For Access to Work Descriptions, Details and the Next Available Sub-Contract Start Date. 

Copyright © MMXI / MMX William James Alatis All Rights Reserved
 Page copy protected against web site content infringement by Copyscape

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